April/May Round Up!
May is the month where all flower farmers and florists feel like they’ve hit fast forward. We had already been harvesting and delivering tulips and mixed bouquets. Add to that the starting gun that is final frost, signaling not only a race to plant tray after tray of seedlings but also to start battling weeds, discover irrigation that needs fixing, mow the farm, sow more seeds…AND it’s a popular season for weddings and events, and can’t forget MOTHER’S DAY!! We are so grateful to everyone who kept us completely sold out all spring. All of our CSA Subscribers, each person who orders arrangements and bouquets, those who rush to Each Peach and make them sell out each week-YOUR support allows us to confidently plant a little bit more each year.
We are learning what we want to increase next year (More snaps! More orlaya! More poppies!) and what to drop (Sadly, cerinthe. She’s gorgeous. She just doesn’t play well with others). The goal is to grow slowly and sustainably, in a way that benefits not only the business but also our families. I can’t tell you how many times I told my husband “We just have to get to the end of May…” as I ran out the door. He doesn’t complain when he is completely abandoned to do all the drop offs and pick ups and cooking and cleaning in addition to HIS job and I’m grateful. But each year I’m a little better at this, and a little more efficient. I’ve been delighted to have Lalania signed on for another season at even more hours. Her field management and calm wisdom are priceless.
Our investments over the fall and winter really started to pay off. Seeing all of our bare root perennials and shrubs pushing out leaves was really magical. I’ve MOSTLY been able to keep up with my ambitious planting plan. I did get caught off guard by our last frost which nipped quite a few of our zinnias-lessons learned the hard way! Warm weather woke up the farm snakes. We have a pair of VERY friendly rat snakes that keep down our vole population with my gratitude. We were also pleasantly surprised to come across a pair of milk snakes. The “Snakes of Maryland” laminated pamphlet Melane keeps in the shed has been getting a lot of use! And yes, though I like them once identified, I do scream when startled by snakes! Another welcome arrival has been hordes of ladybugs! We’ve seen many more than in years past and they are very welcome. May came with many many gray, rainy days. I’m told at the bus stop that my neighbors hated this, but as a flower farmer I was so grateful. It’s easy weather to work in and helps all the baby plants establish strong roots before heat stress sets in. All that rain means it’s also been a very sluggy season thus far, but we can’t expect to keep all the bounty just to ourselves, can we?
Yes, I did run away one weekend during our busiest time. Crazy? Probably. Worth it? Absolutely. My favorite thing about this job is that I will never get to the end of learning and there are so many incredible points of view. I wrote an entire other blog post about it here.
Mother’s Day:
In our region the timing of Mother’s Day always means a “will they/won’t they?” dance of anticipation with the peonies. We were fortunate again this year and had plenty just in time to celebrate DC’s moms. Whereas last year there was a heat wave that blew open the blooms quickly-we harvested our entire field in only two days!-this year was rainy and cool. It meant a much more leisurely pace of harvest, but also some secret shrub-side pep talks “Come on, you can open just a littttllle bit faster…don’t you want to make a mother’s day?”
We were honored to partner with several couples in their celebrations this spring. The absolute best thing is how the timing worked out just perfectly so many times. The bride who loves anemones got the very last bunches of the season, an adventurous bride didn’t just have color but also got to have foraged dogwoods, and just as I’d hoped the mock orange was in splendid bloom for a wild installation. You know it’s going to be good when Lalania and I can’t stop exclaiming-”Oh my gosh, Oh my GOSH!” while we are harvesting blooming branches. If you are considering getting married, April and May are hard to beat!